Develop Your Character... Pursue Your Destiny

Monday, July 31, 2006

Application Update

The application has not yet been updated with the changes from the following post, so if you download the application please take the information below into account.

Important Program and Price Changes

We have some very good news for anyone who is interested in Impact! We have updated our Impact program and substantially dropped the price. In the past Impact was run as school/training for 4 months and touring across Canada for the next 5 months with our motivational teams. Impact is now focused on being a "full-time" touring program with mentoring and leadership training happening on-the-fly. Full-time touring is not as instense as it sounds, it means going out on 1 to 6 week tours to different places in Canada before returning home to Hamilton. For a number of different weeks, touring will be to local schools which means staying in Hamilton and going on day-trips.

The formal schooling/training was a large portion of the expense of this program and so we are able to adjust the price to reflect these changes. The price for Impact is now $350 a month for 9 months ($3150 total). If you are planning on monthly payments, we request that $700 be paid in advance. This is an incredible price for 9 months of travel and amazing experiences across Canada. This fee helps covers all travel expenses (food, transportation, lodging) while touring and covers housing while in Hamilton.