Develop Your Character... Pursue Your Destiny

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Impact Leadership School

Impact is a unique educational and life experience contained in a nine month program. The program consists of four months of training and preparation, and five months of touring and leadership opportunities, which come in various exciting and purposeful situations. Our students experience life from amazing perspectives and locations, and the year promises to be foundational for who you become and where you go in the years ahead.

Impact Leadership School is based on a holistic approach to life and leadership: who you are is about the whole person, not just intellectually or emotionally. Absolute Leadership Development is a Christian values based organization, and therefore, we promote the development of each of our people as a whole, not just focusing on certain areas. Experience has proven that when we make the investment in each of our people as individuals, they begin to tap into the incredible potential that is locked inside of each of them.

A few of the opportunities included in your tuition costs are: personal mentoring times with leaders and entrepreneurs, team leadership opportunities, urban reality trips (local and regional social justice opportunities), public communications training, thought-provoking classes, and numerous other hands-on experiences.


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